12:00-16:00 EET + networking event
Save the date 19.1.2023
CaaS Nordic association and ITS Finland in collaboration with many other actors in the transport and logistics sector are organizing a seminar about the digitalization and disruption in the logistics operating environment. In the event speakers will tell recent development actions and plans how to improve efficiency and raise profitability and how to cut down emissions. The event gathers together logistics subscribers, service providers, authorities and developer communities from Finland and Baltics. And yes, there is a lot of time for discussions and networking.
The event will be held primarily in the Botta Ballroom in Helsinki, but a remote connection will also be arranged. During the event we have: keynote speeches, authority insights from Finland and Estonia, as well as presentations from industry representatives. The presentations will be followed up with a panel discussion, which ends on a cocktail party for networking.
More detailed schedule and speakers for the event will be announced later upon registration.